Garlic Growers Bundle


Garlic Growers Bundle


Will yield 50-70 bulbs

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Over one pound of 6+ varieties of garlic, including Nootka Rose and Chesnok Red. Suitable for all growing climates and culinary uses. Will yield approximately 50-70 plants.

You can also eat this garlic. With big beautiful cloves and easy for peeling, perfect for any garlic creation — roasted, raw, sauteed, and canning. Many of these varieties contain the highest level of allicin, the known health benefits.

Varieties included in this bundle:

Amish (Rocambole) An Amish heirloom variety. Produces nice large good looking bulbs with rosy pink and brown stripes on the bulb wrapper. Easy to grow. Averages 9 cloves per bulb. These are prized by many famous chefs for their fine flavor and large easy to peel cloves. Beautiful scapes with single and double curls. Bulbs with single and some prone to double cloves. A shorter shelf life of approximately 5 months as a result of the loose skins so enjoy them into Fall. Needs a period of cold weather to grow large bulbs. (Vernalization). Cloves are tan to brown. This is a garlic plant I love to watch grow with the blue green large wide leaves that sway in the breeze. They are the winner of the fashion show. Most strains yield 6-10 cloves around the hard stem.

Armenian (Porcelain) This is a very popular and large clove garlic. A very nice looking bulb. This porcelain isn’t too hot. Averages 4-6 cloves per bulb. These are the largest of the garlic plants. The highest amount of Allicin for health benefit. They are typically very cold hardy. Large easy to peel beautiful cloves. Loves moisture. The bulbs are usually beautiful in shape and white in color. Clove skins yellow-tan to pinkish-brown.

Georgian Crystal (porcelain) This has been a good grower for us from the beginning. It has large bulbs and cloves and has a mild flavor when eaten raw and a smooth buttery flavor when roasted. It is a long storing garlic. It is originally from the Gatersleben Seed Bank (#6819), also known as Cichisdzhvari. Averages 5 to 6 cloves per bulb.

Chesnok Red (Standard Purple Stripe ) This is another one that has done consistently well for us. It’s said that this is one of the best cooking garlics. It is very flavorful, having won “best baking garlic” taste tests conducted by Rodale, Sunset Magazine, Martha Stewart and others. It holds its shape and retains flavor well when cooked. It has large easy to peel cloves. Originally from Shvelisi, Republic of Georgia. Averages about 8 cloves per bulb.

Nootka Rose (Silverskin, softneck) Nootka Rose is a beautiful bulb, silky smooth white skins with some pink blush on the outer cloves. Great flavor for a softneck variety. It has a long shelf life and makes for a great looking braid. Averages 15 cloves per bulb. Is late maturing and worth the wait. The flavor is rich and warm, but not overly hot. This is a very long-storing garlic that easily holds into the next spring or even summer. This heirloom comes from the San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington. These are the longest storing garlic. 10-12 months. These mature later than other garlics and signals when they are ready by falling over. They can be very hot. They are most likely to produce large bulbs if planted in the spring, however, in Maryland we plant ours in the Fall.

Metetchi (Purple Stripe) Hot spicy robust. Late to mature. Holds a good garlic taste after roasting. 5-7 cloves per bulb. Noted for purple coloration and striping. This variety has tighter cloves skins which result in a longer storage time. Needs a cold spell to grow into larger bulbs.